
Auction 33: March 2023 Auction

Lot 613

Montblanc Fountain Pen, Limited Edition 'Patron of the Arts 4810 - Scipione Borghese', nº FP 1605/4810. The body is solid granite. The cap and decorations are made of ruthenium-coated brass with a red sealing wax relief on the end with the bust of Cardinal Borghese. It has a smoky quartz set in the clip. piston system. Black nib in 18K gold, handcrafted with special engraving. Flawless. 14.7cm.

Category: Fountain Pens, Pens, Lighters

Weight: 81,1

Estimate price: € 750

Hammer price: €850

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(plus 18% of Hammer Commission)

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