
Auction 26: November 2021 Auction

Lot 873

Delicate English lepine watch, nº 2048, in a beautiful original gold case, with garlands on the edges, with two covers, 43 mm, the smooth dust cover, and the guilloché back, with London contrasts, 1868. Beautiful gold dial with Roman numerals, and tricolor garland decoration, two-tone background, nuanced and in guilloché bands, and Breguet needles. Semi-metallic movement. Reassembly with key. Very good condition (1). Running state, requiring review. It is accompanied by a short gold chain (8.0 cm) and its key.

Category: Pocket Watches

Weight: 75,0

Estimate price: € 1.500

This lot belongs to the Auction finished on the date 2021/11/03

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